What we do
We believe God put us all on this planet to make a difference. That difference is the impact that we make on other peoples lives no matter how big or small.
Building Extension For
Shekinah Home
With Shekinah Home we take in all the at-risk homeless children we find and provide a roof over their heads whilst working towards helping them. A few of the ways we help would include mending any broken homes, providing them with an education; and feeding and clothing them. Shekinah Home is more about providing a family that cares about them than just providing shelter, everyone we take in becomes apart of our family and will always be welcome.

Our Projects
Help us make a difference by supporting one of our projects.
Educational Program
Donation Goal : £25,000
With our educational program, we provide our children with the best chance of moving forward with their lives by giving them an education that will help carry them into a brighter future. This includes all the educational resources such as qualified teachers, extra classes, stationery and more.
Educational Program
Street Outreach
Donation Goal : £11,000
With our outreach program, we venture into Ghana's most poverty-stricken area's to identify those most at risk and make direct contact with the individuals who could use our help. We offer the essentials that they've had to go without for long periods of time such as shelter, food and support.
Street Outreach