Donate Resources

Donating money is not the only way to support our work. You can also donate resources to help us shine our light.

Donate Resources

You donate items such non-perishable food, clothes, stationary, toys, textbooks and anything you believe may be of use to us or our children.
You can contact us by emailing us on or messaging one of Ghana numbers on +233(0)244202070 or +233(0)243176611 to make the arrangements.

Other Donation Methods

We also accept donations via bank transfer and via cheques which can be addressed to The Light Outreach and sent to our office.

Other Donation Methods

To maximise your donation, you can send them directly to:
Account Number: 21671168
Sort Code: 60-01-34
IBAN: GB15 NWBK 6001 3421 6711 68

You also can send a cheque, addressed to The Light Outreach, to our London office at:

Unit B43 Eurolink Business Centre
49 Effra Road, London, SW2 1BZ

Support A Project

You can donate to one of our projects, ensuring your money goes exactly where you want it to.

Support A Project

If you want to find out more about our the projects and donate directly to one, click the link below.
Find out more